Nan, so fun to discover your writing! Also, love your description “a happily aging kid raised in the 60s.”

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Thanks, Debbie. I love reading your work, too. I really am that kid. See you around the Stack!

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Jun 21Liked by Nan Tepper [she•her]

Loved this story about you and your dad!

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Thank you Danielle!

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Jun 20Liked by Nan Tepper [she•her]

Love this one

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Thanks so much, Laura!

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Jun 20Liked by Nan Tepper [she•her]

I envy you your recall of childhood memories and especially of feelings. My own memories of that time feel like their behind plexiglass. Also, goodonya for defending your Mom.🩷

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Thank you, Jodi. I do remember a lot. There's a canon of stories that I tote around with me. What's happening currently, is the more I write, the more certain events in my life that I'd totally forgotten are coming through now, which is stunning. I'm trying to stay open to all of it.

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Jun 20Liked by Nan Tepper [she•her]

Just wonderful. Story, photograph, all of it!

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Thank you, Nina. This is definitely one of my favorite childhood memories. And the photo is a cherished possession. When I look at myself in the photograph, what I see is my true essence coming through. It's very grounding and affirming to look at that happy little kid. That's me.

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Jun 20Liked by Nan Tepper [she•her]

That picture! Love it

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Thanks, Jess! xoxo. It’s my favorite of the two of us.

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Jun 19Liked by Nan Tepper [she•her]

Great story! Now I understand why you loved your dad so much.



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Thank you, Ina!

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Jun 19Liked by Nan Tepper [she•her]

I love how you build the suspense! And the pat/spank <3 But Saul, WTH??? I'm sure your mom's dinner was delicious--how noble of you to defend her! :)

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I agree! I thought I was being extremely noble! xoxo

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Jun 19Liked by Nan Tepper [she•her]

So sweet!

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Thank you!

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Jun 19Liked by Nan Tepper [she•her]

Love this Nan. You were your Dad's "Princess Pussycat!"

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Thanks, Karen!

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Jun 19Liked by Nan Tepper [she•her]

Love this! You go girl! What a great dad you had. My dad actually spanked me a few times and I also remember thinking I would try to laugh, but it kinda hurt and I ended up crying instead. The ultimate humiliation!

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He was great dad. And he was flawed, just like all of us. I've never doubted how much he loved me. I'm sorry you felt humiliated, those can be hard memories. Thank you for reading, Mary Anne. xoxo

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Great story, Nan. Was it just Saul's schtick to complain?

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Thanks, David. He was a pretty unhappy man. I remember him grumbling about everything, and every once in a while he could be lovely and dashing.

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